On Your Mark! Program

Program Overview

Overseas counselors will work with Japanese university student counselors to impact Japanese high school students via global discussion topics and activities.

*Note that this program is part of the Traveling Mentor Program, and in order to be considered for this camp, you must apply for the Traveling Mentor Program and be available for all of the traveling mentor program dates.*

On Your Mark encourages and nurtures Japanese high school students to create possibilities and perspectives on the world. Students work on developing their own strengths, communicating with confidence through expressing their opinions, and learning to build relationships with a diverse set of counselors.

Overseas counselors (you!) join the team of high school students during the camp and support the project as a facilitator by asking students questions in English. Counselors explain concepts in an easy-to-understand way by breaking down the English appropriately.

Sample Program Schedule:

  • Program Dates: 3rd week of August (6-day camp)

  • Program Location: Fukuoka, Japan (in-person)

What is Provided:

  • Airline ticket subsidies through the Traveling Mentor Program (may not cover 100% of ticket price)

  • Accommodation and food during the main camp


Program Application Requirements

  • English Level Requirement: Native-level English ability.

  • Age Requirement: At least 18 years or older by the program start date.

  • University Requirement: You must be currently attending university (or a university graduate) and in good standing.

  • Teaching Requirement: Passion for Teaching, Teaching Experience or TEFL Certificate (note: teaching experience and TEFL Certificate are not requirements, however, they may be an asset in the selection process).

  • MUST be part of the Traveling Mentor Program

Program Onboarding Requirements (required with acceptance into the Traveling Mentor Program)

  • Background check: a clear criminal background prior to being approved to purchase plane ticket.

  • Character reference: at least one character reference requested and reviewed during the onboarding process.

  • Valid passport (through the end of that year): if not a U.S., U.K., or Canadian citizen, a visa may be required. We can assist; however, we are not responsible for the outcome of any given visa, nor can we guarantee approval.

  • Transcript: official copy of certified university transcript requested during the onboarding process.

  • Health and wellness: must be in good physical and mental health prior to departing for Japan. As part of the onboarding process, all interns are required to complete our necessary health questionnaires.

  • Program agreement: after final acceptance, interns submit a signed program agreement and complete all onboarding procedures through Come On Out Japan.

Example Curriculum (2019)

Day 1:

opening ceremony

76 high school students from Fukuoka Prefecture and its suburbs, and 30 top-class university counselors from Japan and the United States gathered together to start the 4-night, 5-day camp. With the warm welcome of the counselors, the high school students, who were nervous at first, gradually began to speak up.

Mr. Akira Kozeki Keynote Speech/Problem Setting Workshop

Keynote speech by General Director Satoshi Koseki. We confirmed Mr. Koseki's experience, the theme that we want to cherish in this camp, and the program of the upcoming camp.

Cross-Cultural/International Communication Workshop

Through the cross-cultural experience game "BaFaBaFa", I learned what "international communication" is and how to accept different cultures.

advisory time

At the advisory time held every night as the end of the day, each team looked back on the day's activities and shared what they learned and what they felt. We also discussed what we would like to challenge tomorrow and what we should do to achieve that.

Day 2:


Time for high school students to get to know their counselors. We formed a circle and took turns listening to all the counselors introduce themselves. As a result of this time, the emotional distance between high school students and counselors has narrowed, and the number of high school students who talk to counselors has increased.

Elective workshop

A workshop was held on the theme of what counselors want to convey to high school students and what they learned at university. High school students chose what they were interested in and gained various learning and awareness.


Time for high school students to get to know each other. Through gesture games, finding friends, and question bingo games, everyone was able to talk to a lot of friends, and the camp participants began to become one.

interactive workshop

What is a “Good Life”? It was an abstract and very difficult subject, but each group searched for an answer for the high school students.

Day 3:

verbalization of thoughts

Time to put together what to say in the bilingual speech on the 4th day. The theme is “Rediscovery” which is also the theme of this camp. What did I rediscover or not at this camp? It was a time when I looked at myself again and struggled to put my thoughts together in English and Japanese.

talent show

Time for high school students and counselors to show off their special skills. I was surprised by the unexpected side of my friends and gained a sense of security that I could expose myself. At the end, everyone goes up to the stage and dances! Everyone was shining.

Lecture by Mr. Yusuke Matsuda

Mr. Matsuda, who is currently active at the forefront of global education, gave a lecture. The high school students were greatly impressed not only by the well-balanced manner in which they spoke in two languages, but also by the stories based on their original experiences of facing their weak selves.


BBQ is synonymous with camping! We all ate delicious meat and vegetables that were sponsored by local companies. The bond between the high school students and the university counselors was further deepened, and while enjoying a sense of unity, I also enjoyed interacting with the locals!

Day 4:

Time to find your own words

I faced myself and deepened while sorting out what I rediscovered at the camp. Then, with college counselors and other high school students, I took that idea even further.

Let's talk in two languages ​​90 seconds speech show

They gave speeches in English about what they thought about Rediscovery together with university counselors and other high school students, and gave feedback to each other. It gave me a clearer picture of who I should be in the future, and made me realize that I am not alone.

Day 5:

Results debriefing session / Closing ceremony (talk folk dance)

After looking back on the camp in the video, we performed a talk folk dance involving many adults who rushed to the venue. The experience of facing one-on-one, conveying and receiving honest feelings was a valuable experience for everyone at the venue.